ATV Centre - Miscellany

ATV Centre under construction, from The Archive Photographs Series
: Central Birmingham 1920-1970,
Compiled by Keith Turner

An advertisement piece on ATV Centre and colour ATV programmes from
the 1969 British Film and Television Yearbook

Rear view of ATV Centre
(from Wayland Regional Studies: The Midlands Communications Media
by Martin Carter)

Derek Hobson in action - I think he's reading the news.
Camera 2 is pointing at Derek - looks like the other camera is pointing
towards someone else.
(from Wayland Regional Studies: The Midlands Communications Media
by Martin Carter)

Behind the scenes at the Golden Shot. Notice the two different type
of dollies (a dolly is the stand a camera sits on).
This looks to be an earlier picture than above - the identification
on the cameras is different than on later ones.
(from Wayland Regional Studies: The Midlands Communications Media
by Martin Carter)

The caption from the book reads: "Technical staff check on the
monitor pictures in the telecine control area
at the new ATV Centre in Birmingham."
(from Wayland Regional Studies: The Midlands Communications Media
by Martin Carter)