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updated on Friday, October 13, 2006 at 9:45:58 AM
CH4 and S4C Schools Continuity:
September 1987-present
On September 14th 1987, Channel 4
took on ITV's responsibility for showing schools
programmes, and ITV showcased its new morning
programme line-up, with such programmes as "This
Morning" and "The Time The Place".
S4C uses/used its own graphics, and
occasionally opted out of CH4 programming to show
regional Welsh programmes, as HTV did before it.
Channel 4 and S4C used these graphics up until end-of-term 1992.
The ITV logo used to rotate, and change colour in a very 80s
fashion. The music was always the same, and didn't change periodically,
as did the music when the schools' programmes were on ITV.
Dan McPheat says, "The animated sequences were designed
by Jim Stokoe and Jim Chalmers at Central TV, and the songs were
'The Journey' & 'Just A Minute'
by James Aldenham, an alias of BBC Golf & Rugby Special maestro
and ex-Shadow, Brian Bennett."
This movie shows the logo rotating, and then
morphing into the clock.
MPEG available.
The clock music was never changed, either.
The movie shows the clock in action.
MPEG available.
Here's a picture of an English S4C
...and here's one of its accompanying
Here's a rather noisy S4C interval preceding
a Welsh-language programme. I don't know
whether this type was before the above type or
after - can
you help?
Perhaps this type was used only for Welsh
language programmes (or programmes from BBC
Cymru, which couldn't be branded 'ITV
Here's the accompanying clock.
Ysgolion is Welsh for 'Schools' and
Ymhen Ychydig means 'Follows
In the mid 90s the advertising of the fact that schools'
programmes were made by ITV companies but just happened to be
broadcast on CH4 was deemed unnecessary, and the ITV identification
was dropped from independent (with a small 'i') television schools
This is the final shot from an introductory
They've cleverly incorporated the
time-honoured phrase 'for schools' into the
name of the thread, '4 Schools'.
This style was introduced in September 1992
or 1993 (can anyone pin down exactly when?) and
was designed by Jo Roman. (Alan
Here's another final frame of an
introductory animation.
At this stage CH4 went back to using
interval slides, as in the days when schools
programmes were on ITV - but with a difference.
A selection of slides was broadcast during each
interval instead of just one.
Here's another slide from the same
....and then a slide told us where the
pictures had come from.
A countdown was still used, but it was
deemed less important with the advent of VCRs
being in every school.
I imagine it was included partly as a
convenience to teachers fast-forwarding through
videotape, and partly because they'd
always had a countdown!
The countdown was halved though from 1
minute to 30 seconds.
Notice that now each programme has an
associated photograph, modernising the
presentation from a single clock for all
Here's another example of a countdown
With the coming into fashion of real-life idents, Channel
Four used this animation which incorporated the 'four circles'
identity package of the time.
There were several children, each passing to
the next a 'light' which then transformed into
a large circle that showed an academic
discipline (eg science) in a representative
form (as shown here).
The 'circles' CH4 style was designed by
Crawford Wilson, an in-house designer at C4 at
the time. The Circles were launched in Oct
1996, but the schools version didn't air until
Spring Term, January 1997. (Alan
This is the final frame of a countdown -
there was more than one version.
For the first time, during this era of
schools continuity, announcers gave details of
the follwing programme (as with 'regular'
There were no intervals as such, but when
time permitted there were short 'documentaries'
lasting about 30 seconds.
This one was entitled Worlds of
Jumping forwards to September 1999 (and the
present), here's a taste of the latest Channel
Four style of schools presentation,
incorporating Channel Four's 'stripes' look (in
Of course, by now most schools have video
recorders and are able to show programmes at
any time, so the practice of using long
interval between programmes in order to settle
classes is no longer required.
Schools presentation is still distinct, but
has been brought closer to mainstream CH4
This slide gives details of a number to ring
for further information about a programme.
Is it me or do this girl's fingers look
Here's a still of the end of the countdown.
In this countdown, children perform activities
that they may be asked to do in school, as the
camera pans to the left.
Here's a still from another
variant of the countdown.
And now we present the last round-faced
schools clock on British TV: that of S4C.
The dragon in the centre (in red) forms up
at the same time as the red balls bounce into
the picture to take their places on the
The clock can repeat if necessary when all
of the red balls are in place.
This is shown in place of the CH4 stripes,
but any pamplet or resource announcements are
taken straight from CH4.
Here's the Welsh language version.
Shift-click to download the MPEG, which
shows a full circle of dots, the final part of
the clock and a BBC Cymru ident.
MPEG available (1 min 26 sec, 1.73Mb).
Here's the fully-formed S4C Dragon at the
end of the clock sequence.
You can download the music here
This clock sports a newer S4C logo.
This is shown as an interval ....
...which then changes to this when the
programme is just about to start.
There is no continuity announcement.
Click the picture to see a brief MPEG.
This was taken from S4C Digital, and the
opting in isn't as professional as it could be,
so we've only got a partial clock. But you can
get the picture...
There's a better MPEG above.
MPEG available.
This is the end of a short animation played
at the end of the day's schools programmes.
This says "Back tomorrow 9.30"
This is the same as the above, except it's
captioned "Back Monday 9.30"
Same for this one, except it says "Back Next
There are also English versions of these
three available.
Whether or not there's one that says "Back
next year" isn't known.
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